Monday, October 12, 2009

How To Save a Life

She won't listen to reason. Not, bossy, subjective, neckrolling "what you need to do is" reason. I mean real basic life-just-doesn't-work-that-way reason.

I've always been a firm believer in live and let live, letting people do their thing, make their own mistakes. Plus I've found that people for the most part that people will change/make decisions etc. when they're ready. There's no real way to force any one's hand.

But this is different. This is a series of bad choices that is going to end badly, coupled with a staunch refusal to consider alternatives. Can I watch my friend pole vault blindly off the cliff without so much as raising my voice to say watch out? Am I being a friend?

Regardless of whether she'll listen, don't I owe to to her, and to myself, to try and help?

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